Donate now to sustain the Bolinas community through affordable housing!

Help us create an equitable future for all in Bolinas

Donate now to sustain the Bolinas community through affordable housing! image


raised towards $2,000,000 goal




Days Left


Help us create an equitable future for all in Bolinas

Keeping Bolinas a hometown:

The Bolinas Community Land Trust is a local non-profit creating, preserving and sustaining affordable housing in Bolinas to support a thriving, vibrant and diverse community. Over the last five years as the housing market has grown, our community and low income residents have suffered. By securing affordable homes in perpetuity for low and middle income households, we can be sure that our workforce, our school and the spirit of Bolinas will be protected. We are currently asking for donations to our Homes from the Heart Fund, that will act as a revolving endowment fund and help the BCLT be prepared to jump on future projects as they arise. When you give to Homes from the Heart, your gift will keep on giving and will allow us to spend less time fundraising and more time providing homes to those in need. Without our essential workers, emergency responders, business owners and a healthy wealth balance, Bolinas will lose its sense of community and special charm. Help us protect the Bolinas we all love so dearly.

For more details on our Homes from the Heart Fund, check out a PDF of our new zine here!

Please watch the short video made several years ago by one of our Bolinas youth to get a glimpse into our community and its need.